I recently got back into Arcane legends and over the last few weeks I have been trying to lvl my rogue to 41. After doing hundreds of watchers tomb 4 runs I started to notice that having warriors in my party rather than another rogue or mage made it worst 90 percent of the time and here is why:
- Most warriors don't lead the party so i almost always find myself having to be the one pulling mobs.
- They can't keep aggro even though have multiple forms of taunt (juggernaut and horn of renew) and myself or one of the other dps players usually tanks most of the dmg.
- They have very little damage so they aren't helping us clear faster which is what xp runs are all about, fast xp.
- I actually found myself using more potions and dying more often with a warrior in my party.
- And last but not least, I can do a better job tanking myself as a rogue than most other warriors can.

Now u may be thinking that a rogue would suck at tanking, but i have found fairly good success using the dodge buff from razor shield as well as malisons arcane ability to get roughly 67 percent dodge and combat medic for healing. I have done plenty of runs including myself as a rogue with 3 other mages and I rarely ever die except to that stupid elite boss skratch that randomly spawns. I have even received numerous pm's from people saying that i am a good rogue after tanking for the whole dungeon.

You may also be thinking that I am an idiot and that Warriors are completely necessary for things such as elite runs but im talking strictly about Watchers Tomb 4 xp runs, so if u want to make a comment about how Warriors are necessary for more difficult runs you might as well not comment at all.

Lastly, I am not saying that all warriors I have been with have been bad, some of them have been rather good. I am speaking in general about many of the warriors i have done xp runs with these last few weeks.

So if u are a warrior reading this, please figure out what you are supposed to be doing so that ypu can actually be good.

Please feel free to comment below and share your thoughts and sorry for all the ranting.