Quote Originally Posted by Bless View Post
These are the people who I owe debt to for their part in my AL journey:
- Pvpers that are hard to kill because (although I'm a huge perfectionist) they show me my flaws and strengths, it is mainly because of this I am good at pvp.

- Wise forumers (kudos to you). Have learnt a lot from them, made me from a seedling to a towering forest of knowlegde and maturing me.

- Ctf & Miracles: both supportive and funny guys. Known em for a year, in twink and endgame pvp and they are two of the few people who I would call 'pros'. Not because they are good because of gear, all three of us were undergeared 75% of our endgame time but still rocked it!

- My guild mates for the support and the good times. Without it, I would have quit a long ago out of uninterest. Long live Magnum (and DM).

- All my friends.

Stay solid,