This thread is not about the 10% damage nerf that rogues have in pvp. We all know it already that the 10% damage nerf for rogues in pvp had always been there since a long time. I have no problem with it.

I am a rogue and what troubles me is that I am not receiving pet damage buff in pvp. For instance, my damage on a low level twink is 109.7 when I am out of the pvp room with my dovabear equipped and no elixirs. In a pvp room, with 10% damage nerf, my damage should have been around 98 or 99. But it is actually 88.2. While tanks and mages of my own level, with same pet equipped have much higher damage.

Why is this happening? 10% damage nerf for a rogue in pvp is alright but why am I not getting my pet's full damage buff too? This is so unfair when I buy pets especially for their damage buffs for pvp. Warriors and mages have no 10% damage nerf in pvp which is ok to me but on top of that they also receive the damage buffs that pets give but the rogue does not receive the damage buff of her pet. This is what is completely unacceptable and its very unfair to the rogue class. Can a dev please explain - Is this a bug?