-Alot of new players pull boss to the respawn area-

This ursoth event I have been constantly being grouped up with idiots who have no idea how to play their class, they aren't even geared, I'm level 11 twink right now constantly doing max damage well over 100 per shot, I get this moron who is with me in Helena and get her down to 10% hp and he runs away because he's afraid he's going to die then he pushes boss back to respawn then her health resets....

-Clueless thinking-

So, Instead of running to me(the healer, dps, and tank) he ran the opposite direction and never realized ONE TIME that I healed him for all of his health in ONE pop. I mean can we Atleast make these noobs go through a tutorial that shows them what to do? Or must I keep wasting these 8 hr energy points because these wastes of space people don't know how a simple boss mechanic works.

-Paired up with new players, and uneducated players about the boss fight-

It's almost every match I've been in recently it's the same bullcrap, I'm all for getting vanity and what not, but when I get paired up with people that makes it harder for me to kill the boss, it's really frustrating and I'm really annoyed with this. And is not just that guy either, people need to do some tutorial that makes them understand the boss mechanics first, because 80% of the people level 10-20 that I've been grouped with have no idea what's going on, they only killed the boss because I healed them when they needed to be healed, I tanked the adds when they needed to be tanked, and I aggroed the boss when he/she needed to be aggroed, and they just attack the boss the whole time and are clueless about the adds that do just as much damage I.e. helena fight.

-Make an attunement to be able to play the Ursoth Event-

I know there's a ton of people out there who know these bosses by the back of their hand, but the ones I've been grouped with so far are very clueless, and it's completely making the fight a lot harder than what it needs to be. Im not saying the fights need to be easier, heck, I wouldent mind it there harder, but I want people to contribute to the fight more instead of having me babysit the boss fight for them because that is useless. There should be an attunement to be able to play in the event, I'll explain... One should be able to defeat a monster who is very skilled in a one on one fight, and If the player kills the monster, the monster drops a pass that allows him to go to elondria etc. and precede to he next boss fights.

These are the only Problems I've seen thus far during the event, everything else is perfectly fine.