Quote Originally Posted by Burstnuke View Post
Lol no dont bring the old vanitys back, they were there back then so they got it. And im pretty sure the vanities do belong to me because i spend my money on plat to get them? No? And vanities arent even that useful lol just for looks, seems like your crying not the 3 year old veterans.
No, I'm not talking about the founder helm or CoP and other cap quest vanity awards...I'm talking the Avengers, Angel wings, eye patch..again items that were plat buys that would increase PL sales again for new folks. Spent your money? Virtual money on virtual items...things that disappear if they ever decided to pull the plug so what do you REALLY own? And I'm not crying I could actually care less but I agree if PL wants to make more money they should put those items back in the store or DOTD again