Regarding pvp. 1st of all. beyond getting more rich, PVP IS the end result of the game. Like it or not.. But! Theres a serious problem: negative regen (this applies to PVE ALSO). Example: w/a fox its possable to make negative 116 health regen. So why does the health pool stay the same in such a case? When u look at ur stats it will indicate (in some cases) that your health regen is in the negative but the health bar doesnt move at all. If u have NEGATIVE health regen it stands to reason that ur health should be moving DOWN not standing still as if its just at zero. Fix that. Ok. That will ballence the classes (i play all of them) AT THAT POINT the difference between rings will be only a SLIGHT difference.... My beloved STG: Fox and rhino are incomplete. Ring or no ring.