Quote Originally Posted by Erik_is_funny_lol View Post
How do I introduce the topic? I mean, is this good:

"Hey Suzy, I'm really sorry for all those times I said that I was bored. I was doing homework from a certain class that I hate, and when I was saying I was bored, I was referring to the homework assignment.

I was never bored when I was talking to you, you always kept my day full of happiness. Thats probably why u said I shouldn't message you unles I was bored, wasn't it? Well it's not true, and I would be crazy to say that I was bored while talking to you. Please I wanna chat like we used to again!"

Is that good?
Umm... it's an apology, this may seem complicated, but you want to apologize without seeming totally needy, because most girl's I know hate that sort of thing, and it drives them away. Unless of course that this is the rare occasion in which she likes sweet guys, then your current apology should suffice.