I've been experimenting with the different levels and one thing has interested me - what do you think is the best level if you have 5 people about the same level that you are in to use Power Levellers Liquid in Alien Oasis? I am currently a level 37 mage (second character).

- Alien Oasis 1-5 (just enough enemies to get around within the alloted time and by the time you face the boss, you should be near the end of its effects)
- Alien Oasis 2 levels (not sure which ones though)
- Plasma Pyramid

Other Candidates for people in their higher 40s:
- Crush the Keeper
- Intergalatic Warfare
- This Ends Now

Captivate Audience is not good, because too many prisoners are released. Some of them are harder than T'paxx and the probability of death is very high.

Thanks in advance.