Quote Originally Posted by Ruizhe View Post
I don't believe anyone in <The Collective>, myself included, dislikes Energizeric.

(I didn't read the first post fully but I believe it is about opening locks?)

my reply below is not criticism,

From my opinion, giving only 2 items per lock would mean = less items looted
(if 3 items per lock = 6000 gold; if 2 items per lock = 4000 gold; This is just an example)

If there's a 50% chance of mythics from locks, the prices will go down causing some people to end up losing money and be unhappy. (And also, the richer players can get the best gears at a lower price meaning they are still rich and the new players/poor players in AL remain poor with the added effect of earning money even slower than before)

I don't have a solution, but that is what I think would happen if this were put in effect.
Please read actual post. He never said, 50% chance to loot a mythic, he said increase the drop rate by 50%, I.e if the drop rate of mythic is 2%, make it 50% more I.e 3%.
I hope you got it now.

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