First off, almost everyone in this world swears or either heard someone swear. I mean everyone will eventually swear. It's like learning new words but in a bad way. I want to make this thread useful to others by wanting a chat filter change.

Okay, so in PL there are some words that get you muted or banned depending on the swear word, it might not even be a swear word but a word in your language. Like I've said some words that have gotten me muted, I've created several new accounts because I didn't like the swear history recorded on my account, so I started fresh. I've made so many accounts it's ridiculous of the time I've spent trying to cap them or get them to get the next level.

Some people noticed that some words that weren't mute-able are now becoming mute-able, I won't say which words but I kinda think this mute account for swearing online is dumb. This is in my opinion, I think there are certain swear words that take it too far leading it into racism. Yes, I understand if you remove the swear words from the list people might be swearing left and right.

But... Why not have some words last 5 minutes, like the words not super big but are bad. And it won't lead you into getting temp. Banned. But like the heavy swear words should be recorded so it adds up over time leading you to get banned. I feel it's better because sometimes we don't mean to swear, like I've been to low level pvp and there are people who take it so seriously they troll you and make you aggro. Sometimes I shorten the swear word making it abbreviated since I know it won't mute me.

I'm basically saying, if we swear in game at least don't lead them up to getting us temp banned, everyone will swear eventually or hear it. If they decide to quit PL and go to a different game, that game might have a different chat system and swearing is allowed. But it doesn't lead more people to get banned or quit.