I've found managing my items in auction to be kind of tedious and time consuming. I realize it would be challenging to overhaul the UI within the PL app to make a really useful store area. One way to get around this is to publish an API (Application Programming Interface) for the data involved -- inventory, stash items, sale items.

The API would have to provide a means to authenticate also.

Developers could then write apps specifically for managing inventory, stash and sales. Some capabilities might include:

* Click an inventory item and see list of items in store with prices
* Moving items between inventory and stash
* See historical pricing data
* Re-list items (again seeing what price items are now at in store -- actually this would be my single biggest request short of the API)
* Be able to develop an app for iOS, Android or a web app or desktop
* Liquidate items easily
* Etc

I suspect the biggest challenge is with authentication and making sure that the features don't undercut the monetization (e.g. selling stash and inventory slots) of the game.

As an iOS developer, I'd love to work on an app for this.