I also dont like this teaming and Rushing and had a idea, there should be a pvp button wich u can activate/deactivate if u activate, it allows u to Dont get killed Till u say: /pvp [Name]
if the other one isnt in pvp mode u can pvp now. If he is in pvp mode u both also need to do that. There u cant get Killed till u say this, U also Cant kill anyone too. This idea is made to Play Fair.

Less Words:
PvP mode Button Activated:
U cant get killed till u say: /pvp [Name] (U cant kill anyone till u say that).
PvP mode Button DeActivated:
U Can kill/get killed, rush/team/ffa all allowed (likes the actually pvp)

I would like to hear your also PL players AND Dev oppinions and i enjoy ALL Feedback! Also dont mind to say what could be better done thank you for reading this.

Suggest Ur Ideas! dont just Think!