
I've recently noticed a bug on Chrome for Windows 8 that is super annoying: If one is using two movement keys and then proceeds to charge the weapon, one of the movements keys stop working so a person cannot use them in unison in order to navigate effectively.

I was able to only replicate this on Chrome for Windows. On Mac OS X, this issue does not show thus indicating that it is a bug in the keyboard mapping of the Windows Chrome Client.

How to replicate:
1. Use two movement keys.
2. Charge attack
3. Try alternating movement keys while holding one of them down (as if you are changing direction). So, if you were holding the up and right arrow key originally, try switching to down and right arrow. You will notice that it only registers one of them.'

Additionally, coming out of combat for a kill, I seem to be randomly unable to charge my weapon. Again, this is very jarring in movement when playing on Chrome.


I have posted this before and Remiem stated that the developers would look into it but it seems that it has not been looked into.

Anyways, I think I found out the root cause through an expensive fix!

Keyboards that are native to Windows like the standard ones that you get when you buy your desktop/laptop seem to have a bug in the firmware that does not allow 3+ keys to be recognized in the Chrome client. When I switched to an Apple Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard, this issue was not present.

So, is there any way to fix the firmware for windows keyboards? That seems to be the root issue. Thanks!