Hey there!

I started to make some elite shuyal gladiator arena for puzzleboxes hunt. Sometimes I have no guild mates available for doing it so i do it with random people. Btw. I am warrior too.

I am not a DPS warrior, I am tank, 6,3k HP 2,5k ARM. Always I do it like 7 times there is another warrior who look my stats and call me noob, idi0t etc.. For having 240dmg. I always tank for them because they are mostly 320dmg 5k health and 1.8 ARM. They try to push off boss, and die. The curious thing is that rogues and mages never insult me, they are happy to have a tank. I am getting tired of get disturbed and lose focus at combat because of this guys. I am not saying that warriors can't have dmg and health, but you need Arcane Maul, Mythic Glaive or Bonesaw for it. And they are HARD to get. Not everyone can have them. I am asking, why they just don't try to be a rogue and tank for them till they are able to buy mythic/arcane stuff to be GOOD.?? Mostly warriors hit 400dmg with magma assault lvl 41, mythic armor, doom, and shuyal/archon ring. They are trying to get high dmg and they aren't getting it. With that money they could buy Mythic Pavise, Druid full life shards (best for tanking) and elondrians ring and amulets (great for tanking). With the Magma set they aren't able to do elites because any pro mages/rogues party won't get him to tank with 5k health. So I still the noob anyway. Its impossible to avoid this people but hard to ignore them too -.-. What do you think about it? No insults/trolling ill won't answer you anyway. Thx.

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