Quote Originally Posted by Energizeric View Post
As I posted in the other thread, the solution to fix this issue is very easy:

1) when anyone on your team scores a flag, all team members get awarded +1 flag. This will encourage players to work as a team to score flags.

2) when you return your own teams flag, you get +1 flag. This will encourage players to try to kill the flagger on the opposing team before he scores.

These 2 changes will put an end to the free flagging and ensure that the game is played as intended.
That would solve a majority of it but wont stop lb flaggers or dummy farmers who close rooms to free flag and dummy farm. If you added cooldown times between games or charged a pvp entry fee it would stop even more abuses.

One thing id like to see is guild or party automatically added to the same team in a new game like a reserved spot kind of thing. Its kinda annoying trying to get a team vs team battle with the current way you enter pvp.