I see no ranged weaps for the warrior, why cant the warrior use a bow too? Or daggers , or a sceptor ? Something cool for a warrior to use for ranged attacks.

suggestion: Make a sword that is throwable and will return back after it has made its hit.

suggestion: Make a dagger set thats for warriors and they are throwable.

suggestion: Make some nunchucks ....lmbo( laughing my butt off )

i see daggers for rogue ( close combat attacks )
i see bow's for rogue ( ranged attacks )

i see staffs for the mage ( ranged attacks)

i see swords for warrior ( close combat attacks )
i see glaives for warrior ( close combat attacks )
i see pavis's for warrior ( close combat attacks )

where is the ( ranged attack ) weaps for warrior??

Its kind of hard to compete with the other class when the warrior has a slight handicap the only true atributes to the warrior is its armor and high hit points

the other two class's ( mage / rogue ) all have ranged attacks ,for example when you use a warrior and meet a rogue and mage they can hit you from far away , warriors have to be up close and personal this really limits a warriors capabilities in my honest opinion. Why not balance this class with the other three and have a ranged weap for warriors?

This is just an idea, if you have any input you would like to ad please feel free

thanks for checking out my post guys, and have a wonderful day