im playing since around 6 mount and i opened around 100 locked and i only got comon!!!!!!!, epic , rare and legandary stuff..... i never got common stuff on golden chest....... i seruisly dont understand how you get guys who bought platinium..... i have bought 2 time platinium and i never will bought again the rate to get legandary stuff on normal golden chest is highest than locked..... (2k gold are a common loot..), you seruisly should removed all common drop from locked and all bad stuff like conquistador, expedition bow etc...... 10€ for get 75 plats and be able to open 3 locked are seruisly sooooooo expansive more than champagne loool.... in elite chest you never got common loot so seruisly wtf with locked?????? you seriusly should find something because for europeen ppl its really really expansive to buy plats and they arent a lot of free offer for europeen ppl..... im sry but i should spend 40€ for bought a pet that cost 250 plats..... the price of a game on playstation or other things..... the price of 2 weeks of food for a family........ wake up!!!!!! its so expansive specialy for open chest and got common items.. i can host all my video of chest opening and you will see by yourself that locked are so weak.......

ty for reading this post