Hello everyone! I've have played this game when the Lv cap was 16 (I got the lv16 flag :P) and I played this game un till the lv21 cap, then I took a loooong break! (Maybe 1 or 2 years?) 3 weeks ago, I thought: hey, why don't I download arcane legends again?
So I downloaded it and wow that's a lot of new stuff that has been added! I'm currently a warrior lv28 (2/9/2014) and I could need some tips on where to go! (yes I will check the guides out too :P) my IG name is Penguinmull too! So add me if you want to!
I hope to find some new friends and have fun in arcane legends again! (And maybe find my old friends :o)
I don't have a guild so a friendly guild is needed too :D