2 Days ago i tried to open the application arcane legends and then after 75% loading, it says "Oops! Your graphics have failed to initialize! You probably need to update your video card driver!" and i am confused what should i do?
I think maybe my chrome version is updated to the latest version so I uninstall my google chrome latest version and downloaded back to google chrome version 26..
after that I tried to download the application arcane legends and its says "can not be downloaded due to incompatible versions of google chrome with chrome version store",
so i uninstall google chrome version 26 back that I had just plug and im back download the latest version of google chrome.
and after that I tried to download the arcane legends and it says that this application is not supported on this computer. installation has been deactivated. detected the following problems: This application requires a 3d application and need WebGL..
now what should i do ???????