I have made a thread like this. I will make it again. I might rant, I might not. Karma and magnum. This is a freaking video game. Go to real life, stop this nonsense, it's affecting the community. I went to look at the pvp tourney thingy, and what do you know, one member from each side already arguing! Can I go to one freaking post without you two messing it up? I don't care, if you are an adult and have spare time for this, because if you do, spend it going OUTSIDE. I can't ignore it, because when I want to pvp for fun, you guys are always yapping at each other. So shut up for once, get a life, move on, stop the drama. Everyone hates it. Are you guys really that narrow minded to not see this? If you want drama, go watch TMZ. This is not a place for drama. So stop the nonsense. I want all the members to look at this thread and think about it (well it's not everyone).