Quote Originally Posted by anahadaz View Post
I'm talking about the bears being made every day, who rush the underpowered classes, for example I was in a game with my friend (51 mage) and he got rushed by a 56 bear I have never seen before. At first I thought he was just a rusher who played pvp that way, but after he rushed him he called him 'trash' which annoyed me greatly, so I teamed him lol. It's rushers like him that I hate, not ones like sneaky and anarch because usually it is their victims who start the insult game and not them, they rush for fun and never start the insults. This 56 bear was new and called a 51 mage trash after he rushed him lol.
Someone should just teach them how to pvp, people who rush people who use new pvp alts and then call them "trash" or "nub" etc just want free kills to make themselves look pro.