I've been posting here for about two weeks (lurking since about November), so I should probably take the time to introduce myself.

I'm Michelle, and I go by Shelly or Ellie. I work at a library, I love gaming, and I'm a mom to a great kid who isn't quite old enough to play PL yet. I work nights, and I'm a night owl besides, so I'm usually playing all hours of the day.

I haven't played any MMOs before, unless you count 15 minutes of WoW and a few months of Evony (OMG, terrible game). I've played a ton of console RPGs like Final Fantasy, but never online. So this is mostly new to me.

So the thing is, I've been playing PL like a console RPG -- soloing everything, lol. Now after weeks of soloing, my mage is almost 50, and I haven't got much of a friends list and very little clue how to work with a group. I'm so cool and controlled when soloing, but I spaz when I'm with a group, and my mage ends up running all over the place. Oh yes, I spam heal and rev -- I have to, I'm usually the one getting everyone killed, lol. Hopefully I'll find a decent group of folks who will bear with me until I get better and who'll laugh at my antics instead of shunning me, hehe.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the updates (yay guilds! The only thing I liked in Evony!), and getting to know others who like to have fun in a pretend world.
