Hi Enchantresses! I was spouting off about tanking in the tanking section and then something occurred to me about healing. So here I am.

This thread is for the Enchantresses who want to be dedicated healers. How's it going with that? Do you feel it's viable? Are you essential or just going through the motions for fun? More importantly is dedicated healing needed at all?

There's only one pure heal out of 12 skills so it's obvious that there's not that much for a healer to be excited about. You could still do it, with your debuffs and buffs. Weakness and Nightmare could add "virtual" hp to others. You certainly could just go with all support spells.

But when is AOE healing best? Let's look at how you might use Heal: You could blast it as a part of your dps rotation to keep yourself and others alive. You can use it after a battle to top up the party. You can spam it to save someone who's going down fast because of agro issues.

The first way probably works a little too good, the second is fine, and the third is a klunky and not really dependable way to focus heal someone. Like, the tank.

There's no good way to heal the tank. You could debuff his target, you could use B of Vitality and whatnot- but if you want to just heal it's going to be a whole room full of AOE agro on you.

But my real point is that it's NOT a problem now because tanks aren't that important right now. We know heals are useful and damage is the real name of the game, but what about tanking? It's more of just a novelty. "Oh look. He likes to roleplay a tank. RAARR."

And when I DO tank a hard boss I go in thinking, "I hope I don't get so involved in tanking the boss and protecting everyone from mobs that I forget to use health pots." I usually know that no enchantress is going to be able to keep me up on her own. Even if she tried to, she's not equipped to pour into one person like that.

SO that's why we have health pots. Plenty of em. And we can spam them! This is like a band aid. Pots are supposed to be for emergencies, not self-healing rotations. Theoretically anything's survivable if I can keep pressing that little red potion over and over.

As a tank, it's one extreme or the other: For most mobs who don't need tanking I'm a horrible dps who never needs healing, on a boss I'm a tank who needs more healing than "Heal" can do and therefore must spam HP pots or just wait to be revived.

My point is that Healing and Tanking are intertwined and any issues with one affect the other.


This game isn't so much strategic as it is a romp. In which case, even the concept of tanking is overthinking it. Even heals aren't really necessary because we all can have ten billion potions. SO the only real useful thing is DPS...and here we are.

Did any of you start out wanting to be full on healers and then fall more into AOE damage spec ?

Did anyone want to tank and then gravitate to a more "useful" class?