Alright so hey everyone. I just started a new bird character and I was killing some of the cult. Randomly a level 35-39(cant remember it's too late) joined my game. I was shooting at another cult archer when i notice my ping start to race up. It got to red and then it kept going.

All I know as when this guy joined it started that...

Well then it was in the i believe 50k's for my ping so I'm trying to have 0 deaths so I exit myself out in hopes not to die. I get out safely and I was just going to go host a new one but when I pressed enter wold it just stayed at the dude running. I left it there for a mere 10 minutes to just see if my internet was acting up.

I come back and it's still loading. So I try to do arena... Doesn't load. So then I thought that guy bugged my character so I try another one... Still won't load...

After that I'm thinking well must be my account so I make a new account. Make a char. Then press enter world.

So now I've decided that guy did something to my account and now I can't load the game and what not.

So anyone out there that knows what's going on PLEASE help me D:

Thanks in advance!