So I was thinking what could optimise guild cohesion and sense of importance in a guild. then i came into a conclusion

1. guild members must be able to do quests/ farm together
2. guild members must help each other when in need
3. guild members cannot take advantage of each other

Therefore I analysed that one simple addition would make those factors much more possible because

1. to do quests/ farm together, guild members must be have decent gears in order not to fall behind
2. by adding a guild stash, guild members are receiving more help from their fellow guildies
3. a guild stash can prevent scams

Now let me explain the guild stash

1. A guild stash compromise of 25 slots (which can be extended)
2. Any players can stash up to 2 items into the guild stash
3. Any guild members can take up to 1 item from the guild stash
4. the item taken cannot be traded/destroyed/upgraded etc...
5. item taken will be returned when the person who takes it logs out or when the member who stashed it takes it out
6. in the case where the item is taken and the stasher attempts to retrieve the item, a confirmation button will appear for the stasher
7. when the item is taken out, the user will have equiped item replaced with his previous equiped item before he equips the stashed item
8. guild leader has the right to remove any stashed items from the stash and when that happens, the removed item will be sent to the stasher's personal stash

tell me what you guys think about this
thanks for reading, old sports