Quote Originally Posted by BaronB View Post
I have no objections in the gems you have hoarded and I know karma* where all running events as I was event constantly invited a few times **by a few of your members .

I also dont question your legitimize either in your acquired wealth as I trust STS would have taken care of any fraudulent stuff by now =)

Also ill make the as clear as possible this is not intended to be a instigation of any sort and I do apologise you feel this way, it is far opposite from my wish.

However lets not beat around the bush you are a experienced player and you and your comrades have from what ive been reading up in the past have voiced loudly about changes to stuff in the past, and lets not pull wool over anyone eyes here, are changes made to "your" advantage.(I say Your in sense of anyone with toons still with unused paragems stashed away hoping to make a good buck out of this sort of change being made)

No other logical reason is there of doing so.

Now nothing wrong with this however not many people will have been able to acquire so many of these wonderful and "exclusive" gems.

Alot of people where struggle just to get a main with 1 para let alone a multiply of toons. This shouldn't be at the fault of the player who has a vast amount of wealth, but you have your multiple gems so let it be.

I just urge you to not get overly greedy and use years of experience to you have towards making subtle changes that will further tip the balance in to your brethren favour and let us little guys have a chance too ^.^

The event is over.

Let it rest.

Lets just look forward to more great fun times with events with opportunities along the way to be had.

But lets leave some dignity in this event and not milk it dry

One <3
Hey Baron,

I appreciate the more kindly worded post. I really do! It helps keep opinions from turning into flame wars so thank you for that.

Yes, you could see it as the hoarders making gold but the truth is that they already are. If a player is reputable & hoarded para gems, you've struck a gold mine. If a player is not reputable - he/she is basically left with gems that he/she can only use on items that he/she can afford. Now, that's not very fair, is it? What if the player wants to advance? The gems were already used on previous gear so now it discourages advancement of gear. By keeping the gems tradable, this alleviates that issue.

Right now, the value is roughly 1.5-3m per gem. Imagine when the reputable sellers run out? Price rises and it'll become even harder to find someone who has them and is reputable. Thus, this locks players out.

I've already obtained all my gems so this is of no benefit to me, really. It just helps players not deal with the struggle that I had to go through.