So I've realized that the MMO's basically depend on capitalism. No one is gonna want everyone to have the same items and gear, it'd be boring. But STS should at least try to bring the gap a little bit closer. The good thing, is that unlike in real life's economy, you can actually jump in class if you work hard enough. This is what I'm thinking:
  • Have the next set of mythics drop in locks as well, but they can drop from another type of chest that can be made with a combination of items which are:
    • Planar Jewel: A new item found in the planar arena and tombs. The rarity is legendary, and these jewels will not be tradable. You must loot 100 of these for one chest. Note: As I have said in many threads, this is supposed to be a hard quest. It's mythics. Also, the chance of mythics dropping will be lower in locks.
    • Mythic Amulet
    • 500 scrolls from elite bosses of nordr, shuyal, and tindirin: You must kill 500 bosses from either one of these maps. In Tindirin, more than one scroll is more likely to drop.
    • 300k gold: A fee.
    • A Dragonite Bar.
    • 500 Hauntlet Coin

Bonus Idea: Start making mountable pets- This would be an amazing if STS actually implemented this. You could ride a bear! Might be a lot of coding, and depending on the camera angle, it might look weird.