UNFAIR, that's all I can say right now.

I am not an android user, well I am but its a really old android, so I don't have the same pleasure as the android users have, of trying out arcanes and really cool things.

This is highly unfair, ever since I joined this game in season 4, ive wanted to try a maul. With the coming of the 'test server', I thought id finally get that chance.
LOL, my dreams failed me, doesn't even surprise me anymore...my luck in this game is pitiful, and im not talking about lockeds!

I propose a test server for EVERYONE, which I know can be done, why? because we are playing the game right now aren't we?

This test server should be for everyone, and we should all be able to have unlimited plat and locked on it, including all the maps, and including pvp. This wont be great for sts, I know but how unfair is it that we don't get to try maul and kershal when the android users do. If you ARE doing it, then why just keep it for a couple people, I also understand its apples safety stuff or something I forgot.

Im just saying, you cant give candy to one kid in the classroom, and let the rest of the class miss out, ive been in that situation and my teacher was mad at me, so cmon guys, let us use this too, but for what we really want.

Either that , or take away the free 2k plat from the current test servers, then I wont really feel like im missing out on an opportunity because tombs will come by later....

2k plat and a chance to try arcanes and open locked, whered this bonus even come from???

not a suggestion, more of a proposal and theres too much spam in the suggestions forums with rich people asking for things to make them richer, ain't nobody got time for dat

ty-discriminated smurf