Dear guildies, our guild event time is close... As many of u know this event will start tomorrow 7am Gmt... What u need to do to have valid screen shot for this event will be explained tomorrow here in this thread... Event is simple, after taking screen shot with your current amount of dragkin teeth run and farm as many as u can till Monday... So far we have few prizes but we are going to gather more...

1. Place grimm egg and 100k
2. Place grimm egg
3. Place ironbite egg and 200k

There are no class restrictions, u can run with guildies or random party, u can run normal tindrin maps or elite... It's all up to you just pull out those teeth

After event is done post ss how many dragkin teeth u collected and we will see who won for any assistance or questions pm me or any other officer in guild...

See u tomorrow here where I will announce how ss should look like and we can start it

Much love to u all <3

Your Nep