Quote Originally Posted by Madnex View Post
If the older arcane pets were buffed to be on par with the current ones, there would be much less incentive for anyone who owned an older season's arcane to try to get the newest ones. There would be revenue losses since less people would open locked crates. Sure, that might not be always correct for the uber-rich but it is true for every other arcane pet owner. It's like asking for maul or hooks to be buffed in order to stay competitive with L41 weapons.

Not actually buff the arcane pets just like that. A quest to have them old arcane pet to boost some stats. Of course, who would like to get these old arcane pets buff without any efforts eh? :P something to do with pve. Not just make new pets everytime they like. How many pets you have in stable? you also did the AP im sure. And its just wow that you just use 1-3 out of them pets :3