The disconnecting, this is not some one off problem that 1/10 players are experiencing, anyone whos playing this game consistently since the release of tombs is having this problem, 8/10 runs someone disconnects during mid run, sometimes all 4 party members dc at the same time, ping will all of a sudden go from 150 to 120k without stopping and everything on the screen will pause, this problem occurs more when there's 4 people in the party , when theres 3 or less its not so bad.

I have perfect connection ive never had any problem like this before, other then when we had this same problem around the same time the last test server was introduced.

This problem needs to be addressed, there is a serious issue, this shouldn't be happening so frequently , also seems like every time theres a test server we experience this same thing, I was very concerned when I read a post from you guys saying you see no problem, and that its not with your server. if this isnt adressed or fixed, me and many others will end up giving up trying and player inactivity will be at its peak again. We dont want to play a game which isnt reliable, where we have to work out in each map how to finish without causing somebody to dc, or where we have to run 10 maps to complete just one because each time we are loosing half our party from dc.

I enjoy this game alot, but right now im at the point where I just give up, as im sure many others are.