I'm quite shocked that the devs/mods have not posted anything today and can only assume its a holiday or STG burnt down :/

Imo most people rage because they are not 'in the loop' regarding issues affecting their gaming experience. Yes the forum's have been deluged with angry posts this weekend and I myself have had a bit if a rant about the recipe

I like many others have been expecting some kind of interaction today but so far nada. Even if its a 'Sorry were still working on the dc issues, the recipe drop was bugged and were working to fix it, tomb difficulty will be reviewed when the other issues are addressed' would ease the pain of a lot of player's.
The lack of communication is again 'imo' a huge factor regarding player disatisfaction at the moment. Please get back to us STS even if you have no good news, we just want plain simple honest answers to the main issues we are all facing in game right now. Thanks.