Hello fellow al players! Title sums it up im back in al after several months break. I was bit lost at first but now im getting feel of things again. I must say the tombs are different and I like them. Sadly I missed most of elondrian event and Halloween event entirely. But its ok cus I have halloween vanities now hehe. And also a special thanks to Fiokalak for helping me while I was away and getting/giving dovabear and everything! I love u fio lol. Also i was kicked from most my guilds eminence and chosen for inactivity i suppose. I dont see chosen now so i dunno what happened to em. Ive seen some members in unified and other guilds. anyways ive missed all friends and the game and its good to be back. If anyone is interested in running elites or something ingame just send me friend request or inv. Happy gaming al!