Quote Originally Posted by tarlan View Post
better idea nerf dodge, make only auto attacks dodgeable, increase health on all sets esp str

nerf immediate skill dmg, add for dot effects to their attacks

either undo the pvp damage reduction or reduce heal by the same amount as the damage, decrease wand dmg effect vs anyone using 2h weapon, whereas staffs should gain sizeable defensive/mana boost

negative h/s should drain health, give foxes mana regen debuffs too, remove dodge buff, from fox, add speed buff and make ice/stun/slow release skill have much faster cooldown

delete rhinos or
change to total support class
get rid charge
taunt should stun instead of taunt
add heal over time heal in addition to current
defensive party buff should increase by rank
drain slash should steal mana and health as well as push back
guardian should have self deflect all dmg for 5 sec, but rhino can use no skills while its in effect

over all fixes
fix object physics no beckon, repulse through walls and fix teleporting for overall smoothness
fire damage debuff should actually do dmg

uh many more i dont really feel like typing
basically total revamp on class skills
Idk about dodging only autos. i like the idea but then no need to have dodge. that would actually make bears up.

wuttttt. dot effects omg confusing explain i nub

staff vs wand is offensive vs defensive in most cases

negative h/s SHOULD drain health, no need for mana regen buffs... keeep fox dodge buff for obvious reasons, no speed buff and make howl the un root skill

no mana stealing, yus push back, no ridding charge, no taunt stunning, no overtime heal, no self delfecting damage wo the ability to use utility skills eg heal buffz
or no self deflecting at all bc that is pretty op

my turn :3

1. stahp the rhino + fox "invicibilty" when they lag + jump
2. nerf a high stat on endgame str sets OR increase endgame int sets (pallies r supposed to tank but not nuke like int mages)
3. do sumthing with rhino? insert a crit buff etc...
4. said b4 but change unroot skill to howl on fox