So, after about a week of thinking this through, I have compiled all of the questions I have accumulated throughought my brief endgame experience.

Overall, im just looking for some simple, yet detailed, answers to my seemingly simple questions. I understand that most people will be running the event now, and I hope this isnt buried in threads. So here goes nothing.

Other than the general lock farming, what can I do as a reliable source of income?

What is there for elites that I can start on to earn money?

Do mythics drop in elites?

What is the BEST way to earn money, reguardless of gear? (Lock popping excluded)

What is my priority, being a Sorcerer w/ Planar helm and armor, an expe rifle, lunar pendant, and cheap legendary ring? (Decent pets are Ribbit, Ethyl, and Crawly)

What elites are worth running, taking into consideration time-cost(ankhs/elixirs/pots)-and profit?

Would it be smart to level my rogue and warrior as well? (A little off topic, but still needed to be touched on)

General tips on farming/playing overall?

Thanks for your time and responses, im just looking for a healthy start to my engame experience.
