Quote Originally Posted by Xeusx View Post
Another buff will be coming to mages later.
You really can't trust STS now. They will do whatever they want if they get, you know what i mean.this event is totally a gold+plat sink. AL would crash pretty soon. Already an excess of weapons is something to be dealt with. It was better to at least get a NEW MYTHIC PET. We already have elons. I still don't get it whats the point of relation between the winter event and the elon event. I dont see any logic out here, someone just explain this to me.

Like earlier the arcane maul still procs CRAZILY. Now we got breeze problem, the stun immunity. There are also other problems which doesnt know themselves. I noticed that when u die from a pool from the freullues your immune to the pool, even if you use a ankh your totally immune against the pools caused by freullus. The last boss chest drops arent in the inventory even if you pick it up, from other bosses the chest is in the inventory(ik it is a reported issue). Loadouts the items get exchanged. Also crytal conquerer is bugged since ages and no-one seems to notice. There are already too many problems. I dont think STS is awake, probably still dreaming.