Here are some ideas foe 3 new items, one for each class (I only have a pic of javlin ATM). Sorry for the quality of the javelin- I can't draw on my iPod- if you can draw any of Hess items better pm me.

Does more damage, and farther range than a talon, but is slower. Not as slow as a 2h bow, or as much damage. They could have break armor proc, bleed, and a chance for stun. again sry the pic sucks.

Flail (picture coming)
The str aoe str weapon. Since it has a spiked ball on chain- it can attack enemies that are farther away. It is a slow but huge damage weapon that stuns when hits. It also has the chance for fear proc- which makes enemies flee in terror right to the edge of your attack radius. Also this wep has the chance to be swung I a circle- doing aoe.

Gauntlets (pics soon)
These are a mages all out damage. They hit harder than staffs, wands etc. Alot harder. However they make te Mage vulnerable. They actually take away armor. They come in: fire, ice, dark, and lightning and all have chance for aoe. The are close ranged so u can't snipe from afar with them- have to be a dew feet away.

Suggestions, illustrations, feedback?