Quote Originally Posted by Burstnuke View Post
I don't agree, AL is having a load of problems in its economy because of people constantly asking for buffs and nerfs all the time. 75 out of 100 times a thread will be created to complain about breeze or some other stupid mythic weapon that needs buff or nerf. Then when they don't get what they want or, it takes to long to happen they say they will quit, but they usually dont lol. AL is doing okay from a gameplay standpoint, but, the poor to rich gap is so big, that it will drive many players to quit. This new legends producer seems like a Arcane legends producer only lol.
poor rich gap because all the wealth is either incredible luck, scamming, or platinum

From the experience I have had, the pets and potions are such a gold drain, without the above factors, you can't really accumulate gold until maybe endgame.

In PL you level a character from like 1-60 and you will have made like 70k.
Every single boss in the game is just spam pots and run around; the PvE is far worse than PL but everyone could see that by about level 20 if not sooner.

If they added an actual heal/support class that would solve most of those problems.