Quote Originally Posted by Laar View Post
Not necessarily doubting, but I do have some doubts. This isn't a Clash of Clans remake or another MMORPG; this is a complex MOBA game. I think you can agree with me that most mobile gamers tend to be really casual, but MOBA games are ordinarily extremely convoluted and competitive. I mean, heck, the League of Legends World Championships surpassed 25 million spectators from all around the world and featured a 1 million dollar prize pool http://www.dailydot.com/esports/leag...rship-numbers/, the DOTA 2 prize pool for the World Championships topped 1.4 million dollars, and the Smite Championships featured 2.6 million dollars (800 thousand dollars for 1st place) http://www.dailydot.com/esports/smit...-winning-play/. There is a huge E - Sports scene for MOBAs and people take these genre games quite seriously. Hardcore =/= Competitve. There is a difference between grinding in dungeons a couple hours a day and actually really competing in a match.
No idea why you have the need to compare LoL with the moba STS is making. It is not like PL is the same as WoW.