hey guys,

I recently came back from a 1 year quit, and I don't understand all things.

1. What do people mean when they say: sell arcane staff 'FIX'?

2. when I played as rogue last year I could see when I dodged, I cant see this anymore.. do I even dodge?

3. as a rogue in elite, do u guys charge or tap your skills?

4. I am considiring on buying mythic armor set on my rogue, is it worth it? or should u wait until new level cap? what armor set should I buy if it isnt worth it?

5. can.you guys give me a good build for planar tombs rogue?

6. I can't choose between rogue and mage. what do you prefer for only (elite) pve?

I like he fast attacks from rogue and the dodges and crits, and I like the colourfull skills of mage en the good dps but I hate the dieng so much often.

7. I saw some good tips and tricks forums from zeus, are there anymore good tips forums?(mage/ rogue).

thank you!