First I will talk about the general opinion about current pvp balance at various levels followed by possible changed that could be made. Let me know what you all think

Lvls 1-20:
Not much to say here other than warriors are a bit overpowered under lvl 20. Primarily this is due to the massive 50 str boost that they can receive from a charged vengeful blood. Rogues in general are pretty balanced here. Mages are underpowered.

Lvl 23: Everybody who plays at this lvl claims its the most balanced bracket of all so i guess nothing should really change here other than buffs to mages.

Lvl 26-41: lvl 26 is where rogues start to one combo people with hooks and at endgame rogues can pretty much oneshot people. Additionally, rogue critical hit chance is starting to get out of control as ive seen lvl 41 rogues with over 50 crit. Add on the aimed shot buffs and they can temporarily reach 80% crit. Rogues definitely need to be adjusted at these levels. Warriors in general seem to be the most balanced class these levels. Rogues and warriors flipped positions from lower levels to higher levels. And as always, mages need some buffs.


Warrior: the biggest thing i think should be adjusted is the vengeful blood ability. Rather than just giving flat 50 str i think this ability should scale based upon level. This change would bring warriors more in line at the lower levels aswell as being a more viable ability for lategame. Not much else to say about warriors overall they are probably the most balanced class in the game

Rogue: as far as lvls 1-20 i think rogues should just be left alone. They are balanced just fine at these levels as is. But for lvls 26-41 i would propose either nerfing rogue dmg an additional 10% starting at lvl 26 or better yet, adjust the scaling on aimed shot. The main reason rogues are overpowered at higher levels is due to the insanely high dmg numbers they can reach with a critical hit on aimed shot. If the scaling was was reduced so that on a critical hit it would deal maybe 60-70% of the dmg it deals currently. This way people would no longer be oneshot by a critical hit aimed shot. Another possible nerf could be to set a hard cap on critical hit % at maybe 50% or 60% in the pvp room. This will prevent rogues from achieving crazy high crit chance and eventually 100% in the future.

Sorcerers: if only one class were to be adjusted it would definitely have to be the sorcerer class. The primary issue with sorcerers currently is their survivability and squishy-ness. So the abilities that should be adjusted are the arcane shield and lifegiver. As for lifegiver, we all know the regen upgrades on it are pathetically weak because they are still scaled to lvl 16. I would propose replacing the health regen upgrade with something similar to the heal over time given by rogues' combat medic. This would provide a significant increase in their total healing. And for arcane shield, i would propose reducing the cooldown by another second, and replacing the knockback upgrade(which is useless because mages have to use their shield before getting to close to enemies or they just die) with an upgrade that would provide 25 percent dmg reduction for maybe 5 seconds after the mages shield has worn off. These 2 changes would greatly improve mages survivability.

All these numbers could be subject to change ofc so i would have you focus more on the ideas behind the changes. Pls let me know what you guys think