Quote Originally Posted by Xorrior View Post
Please take a look at the Mushroom AP. Is it ever possible with a small arena ?

Also agree with the community on the following......

Ankhs, potions, gold, para gem to go along with vials, fossil and separate recipe drop. This would make people want to farm this arena.
Yes mushroom madnest is possible and sooooo easy.

Make ghost party /partyi aaa, search for urself till u find rutger (don't try to check if mushrooms or not, if u check and its u will get piss off).

Then if u are warr, call 1 dps, if u are dps call 1 warr.

Now go to right wall, in the middle of room, stay sure u all(2) are in the middle of wall and DONT MOVE.

Dps hit rutger and kill him whitout move and don't die.

Repeat this till the rutger was on mushroom enviorment. and stay sure u play whit /partyi aaa and U CALL the boss or not gonna get the AP.

I got the Ap 5 days ago or so