Quote Originally Posted by siddhant View Post
the problem with gale is if i use it in 5vs5 i end up in opponent territory and a lucky crit from rouge and i am dead zzz
Im currently using gale on two pvp accounts right now. I never charge my gale in 5v5 unless my teamates are dead and i need to regroup. Gale is a great skill for 1v1. All it takes is a tap of the gale and the enemy is stunned. Gale is great for 1v1 especialy against other mages with curse. My current combo with gale is charge light, then right after releasing light i tap gale, spam autos, use blinky's aa, tap light again (by this time the enemy has recovered from stun), then i use charged gale and dash forward waiting till the enemie's shield and curse have worn off. Thats when i go back in for the kill gale is a great skill