Quote Originally Posted by Artoholics View Post
I understand the people that want mages to get better but: Give them freeze will make bredze useless and mages op. Lightning as aoe attack: A fireball with more damage...wont change anything except that they're even better in guildwars. Make their curse stronger: Curse would be extremely op because curse is now already really good (the only possible change for course would be increasing the range).
Increase mages heal: That would be the only really possible buff because I noticed that it really dont heal much...50%max and rogues have 3 packs with 25% and warriors have awesome regen AND shield.
So I think the mage skills can't be buffed because they'd get too good (except heal like I said), but I think like rogues have damage debuff mages maybe could get a damage buff to have a chance of fast kill before shield time is over...
That's what I think about this topic
all classes have stun immunity we dont zzz our armour hp bleh rouge and tank almost equal our dmg at low lvl pvp so what we actually need is buff in our skills and not our stats is my opinon