Pve suggestions
_add new elixir for better chance to drop essences. So if u farm u have more drop essences from mobs.
_add new pet to tenor music box. Can be legendary pet like old platinum pet. Can be with Low chance but still have new sence to tenor box.
_add new pet to hauntlet coins. Can be malgo or some rare epic egg.
_new Gems to craft. Iike poison gems frozen gems recovery gems or speed gems. I sure this make game more fun for all.

Pvp suggestion
Ice ball skill (mage) should be freeze almost per 1 sec. Thats is more fair for all we want play pvp with mage and dont have 2 or 3 million to spend.
Guild with guild hall should have pvp arena to trainning mode. Only members can enter and kills not count. Chance to restar all stat and skills for better trainning mode only in pvp guild arena. When u out your stat and skill will return to be like before you enter to arena.