When and if new classes come out, I really think there needs to be some sort of healer class. Right now the enchantress is really ineffective, especially because the AoE healing attracts mobs of monsters when they try to heal the ursans that are in the middle of a brawl. Because it is so important to heal the tanks and other players who are in need of help, I really think that a class that solely concentrates healing and protection, as well as a little bit of holy wrath, is in order.

I believe it could be made into a well balanced class; the healer would rely on others to protect it, other classes rely on the healer for health. I've only played an ursan, so perhaps it is different for other classes, but I am almost perpetually broke due to the cost of healing potions. Targeting a teammate would be as easy as selecting the skill, then selecting either the player, or their status bar on the side of the screen.

Here are some skills I'd like to see:

-Something that can target a specific player and heal large amounts of health
-Something that can target a specific player and give armor bonuses
-Something that can target a specific player and give a regenerative bonus
-Similar spells to the three above that target the entire group (within a radius), but with lower effectiveness
-A more effective resurrection spell
-An AoE spell that has perhaps somewhat low damage, but has an additional effect
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