Well, I've been punching in numbers regarding elon bow and frost bow procs. Elon users claim that elon proc is better, while frost users claim theirs is better. Why don't we just simply acknowledge the facts on these procs and specify pros and cons upon this discussion and possibly find out which bow is better.

-This bow has a slightly higher stat compared to elon bow.
-this bow's proc allows the user to cast a whirlwind (2 times at once (sometimes)) which damages and slows enemies near it and throws an enemy (player or mob) away after.
-this bow has NO passive proc.

-this bow has a slightly lower stat compared to frost bow.
-this bow's proc allows the user to cast an elondrian bush which heals allies (240-300 hp/sec) as long as the player is either near or in the bush or damages enemies (player or mob) who comes near it.
-this bow has a passive healing effect (40-45 hp) / per shot to either an enemy player or a mob/monster/boss.

procs and stats sorted out, lets discuss WHY both bows differ in prices, in maps and in PvP and the verdict will be seen upon player opinion and the number of players who share the opinion.

Thanks for reading.