Quote Originally Posted by Bunkz View Post
I'm not sure your point. Rogues are supposed to deal most damage to single targets. Mages have more hp and damage as I said before. You refuted and I see no evidence. Aimed shot is better than light. It's silly that all these numbers are thrown out without proof. Show me a rogue max gear end game that has more hp and damage than arry or voorg or seven. Who are you referring to when you correct me? Mages pvp situation is not nearly as dire as some Mages here would have you believe. Tanks pve situation at end game is a lot worse imo. Geared mages at end game are op. 50% crit on mage? They have more crit, damage, health, and close armor as mythic set/arcane ring rogues. They have more crit, damage, health and less armor than imbued/arcane ring rogues. There are no rogues in pvp that have more in all categories than Mages.
There should be some adjustments to be made in skills I agree, but stats are not the answer. Pics or it didn't happen. I'm happy to retract my opinion if there is proof otherwise. Maybe there is a rogue I haven't seen before.
Your comparing rogues with max gear to mages with max gear.

What you dont understand is that the reason the mage imbued gear mages can compare with rogues is because it has given us a major increase in stats in comparison to mythic in the places we mages need it (health, damage). However, most mages are using the mythic gear or even legendary gear. These gear stats compared to a rogue with equal gear will show you why many mages are complaining or at least better justify it.

Also most tanks seem fine in end game. Most tanks with just legendary gear can compete (not always win) with mythic rogues and mages. IMO.

Next you cant look at damage stats but rather skills. Looking at the stat page damage you could easily say that tanks are the best class which can achieve 600+ damage 7,000+ hp, and 2,300+ armor. Still a mage with equal gear and proper skill can probably beat this tank. Looking at skills you see that rogues have the highest damage output skills. That isn't a problem for me as thats what they are meant to do but look at the gap between aim shot and lightning. Aim shot can ko any mage and some rogues. Light on the same rogues and mages may take 30-50% of the health away. Compare many skills between the 2 classes and you will see often rogues triumph.

As you mentioned top gear mages can compete with top gear rogues and wars which makes me confident that sts is paving the way for better class balance but it may take a while for it to go into effect.