I bought the alien oasis triology a few days ago and I started playing it. But when I reach the third level of the alien oasis part II it's going all wrong, at least when I reach the boss. ALWAYS, not one or two times, but ALWAYS (tried like 7 times, then got bored and pissed) the game crashes when I reach the boss. It's so frustrating. I can't join the fourth because I need to kill the boss first.
I forgot the name of the boss (sorry) but there are two lesser jinn's (or something) around him and some mummy things. When I kill the mummies everything is fine, when I kill the boss before the jinn's, it is fine (at least it didn't crash when I killed him) but those lesser jinn's are the problem. When they reach half their hp, (or something like that) the game freezes (like what happens when it lags) and then the game is closed. I almost threw my ipod out of the window. (luckily, I could control myself)

And it's not my internet connection because I was sitting next to my wifi spot and it still crashed two times.

Can anyone help me?

Ingame name: Ogden (elf)