Quote Originally Posted by Zynzyn View Post
@ OP You probably are looking for a bracket where the players are not too dominating (gear and pet wise) and at the same time are not newbies and provide a fun challenge, if I understood correctly.

At lvl 11, 12, 13, the rooms are always populated with a mix of newbies, average twinks and totally maxed out twinks. You could try these levels. Gear doesnt cost an arm and a leg.

Just sharing a viewpoint, since the topic of "'food"' was mentioned. Defenseless newbies walking around clueless in pvp rooms should just be spared, imo. We need to welcome these new players and teach them the ropes of pvp, because they might later gear up and provide a challenge to us. If we kill them over and over again on their very 1st day in pvp, and call them "'food"', they will lose the inclination to pvp at all and very soon we will be left with empty rooms and boredom.
You are absolutely right about new players getting the shock treatment when they venture into pvp. New players are what keeps the game fun and interesting, not to mention profitable! STS seems oblivious to the fact that they have lost and continue to lose major revenue the longer they keep PvP in its current state.